Course: Bachelor of Arts in International Hospit...


Bachelor of Arts in International Hospitality Management

Text lesson

Year 2


  • CE2608 – Construction Material and Sustainability
    This module aims to give students deeper understanding on construction materials design and applications, including their strength and limitations. It will support students application of sustainability in engineering construction.
  • CE_21 – Civil Engineering Toolbox & Surveying
    To enable students to develop technical skills linked to civil engineering design and construction. * To introduce students to the principles and methods of collecting, processing and ethical use of spatial data (including surveying for gathering engineering information and transferring a design to a construction site) * To develop students’ skills in engineering drawing, including sketching techniques to create freehand sketches, along with application of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) tools in creating typical drawings and parametric models of engineering designs. * To enable students to develop practical skills through conducting surveying activities such as setting out, use of levels and theodolites and calculation procedures and applying GIS tools for modelling and analysis of geospatial data in design, construction, and maintenance of civil engineering infrastructure.
  • CE_26 – Design Project
    * Develop conceptual design solutions for an engineering task from professional engineering perspective * Outline stages of project development together with client/stakeholder needs, state of the art, codes of practice, health and safety, sustainability, climate change impact and ethics * Assess sustainability issues from environmental, societal and economic perspectives and evaluate CO2 emissions for the whole-life cycle of the proposed designs, in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) * Improve team working and communication skills through group work and presentations * Reflect on pers
  • CE_28 – Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
    To deepen students’ understanding of engineering Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and hydrological processes. * To enable students to apply these concepts to relevant engineering systems, in particular, flow in pipes; flow in open channels; hydraulic structures; coastal structures, energy dissipation and runoff flow estimation. * To increase students’ understanding of flow generation and risks of flooding (land and coastal flooding).
  • CE_22 – Reinforced Concrete Design
    Develop students’ understanding of the principles of structural design and iterative design process. * Enable students to apply the principles of structural design for concrete conforming to the current codes of practice and produce details of structural elements. * Develop students’ knowledge and understanding of appreciation of complexity of structural problems, the limitation of analytical techniques for structural problems, and the needs of a holistic approach to consider a range of factors to reach design solutions.
  • CE_23 – Soil Mechanics
    *To cover the fundamental multi-phase nature of soil; the effective stress concept, consolidation problems. * To develop students’ understanding of the basic principles of soil mechanics – how soil behaviours when subject to engineering loads and construction processes. * To develop students’ basic knowledge in engineering design of geotechnical system
  • CE2003 – Structural Mechanics I
    This module aims to enable students develop further their ability to analyse structures including statically indeterminate structures and learn the fundamental principles and the main tools for the analysis of solid body mechanics.
  • CE_25 – Structural Mechanics II
    *Provide students with a qualitative understanding of different types of internal actions (stresses and strains) in structural members associated with different external loads. * Enable students to determine the profile of elastic stresses and strains in structural members, establish relationships between complex states of stresses and strains, determine critical stresses and strains and check them against failure criteria. * Provide students with knowledge of instability in structural elements subject to compressive load and determining the critical load.